Urgent: Caution When Taking Sick/Injured Cats to Santa Cruz Vet Clinic

‼️‼️ After receiving several messages that Santa Cruz Vet Clinic is now recommending euthanasia for treatable conditions in trapped cats we called today to ask what was going on with medical funding for community cats and were told that Santa Cruz is no longer making efforts to try and get medical funding for community cats that need medical care beyond spay/neuter.
This is a huge shock to us and leaves the community with basically no resources for injured, sick community cats. Santa Cruz told us that before a cat that is in critical need is brought in that the caregiver needs to contact all organizations to try and secure funding for care! We cannot believe it has devolved to this.
PACC MAY help out but I have no idea what parameters they have in place for approving community cat medical care vs killing the cats due to lack of funding set aside for treatable medical conditions.
If any org is able to get transparent information we would like to update our website so that the community no longer relies on taking community cats with medical needs to Santa Cruz. This latest message we received was especially concerning because the cat brought in wasn’t neutered and needs an enucleation, instead of doing ANYTHING, the cat was given back to caregivers and released back into the community. This scenario should never have happened. At the very least, Santa Cruz should have suggested the cat be transferred to PACC. He sat there all night trapped, only to be given zero treatment the next day. This is not the failing of the caregivers.
Community cat medical resources in this community are falling apart and we have no idea what to tell people seeking help beyond calling PACC and NKPC for the possibility they will help.