Severe heat with warnings and advisories about heat dangers from NOAA are continuing, this is the hottest month of our summer….
EVEN though most people understand that TNR should only be done 7pm-7am in the summers here, we have had too many conversations with people that simply do not understand the effects of conducting TNR when a cat has been dealing with the physiological effects of living outside during very high temperatures. Even though it cools off some at night, the cat will still be recovering from having an organ removed for days afterwards. Would you want to have a full hysterectomy and spend the next week outside in 107+ degree heat trying to recover? So please, just be patient, the temps will drop soon enough and TNR will be safe again. Yes, there will be kittens born. This is a fact everyone has had to accept this year due to resource limitation with COVID. Please don’t endanger cats by subjecting them to surgeries and then making them heal the next several weeks in 110 degree temperatures. We PROMISE we will loan traps and help with TNR as soon as the temps drop to 105 or below.
Category: Uncategorized
Voice Your Concerns About PACC Ignoring Its TNR Program
Tell Pima County and PACC to Reinstate and Recommit to Trap Neuter Return!
Please read this short history of the municipal Trap Neuter Return program in Pima County and then either send a group email on your own, with the email addresses listed at the end, or use our form, to express frustrations you have that PACC (Pima Animal Care Center) has failed the community by failing to assist with TNR of community cats and neglecting the county’s community cat program. Let your voice be heard so that something is done. Until PACC and the county hears from each and every one of you, they will not step up for community cats. Please share this with anyone you know involved with cats, cat rescue, community cats, feeding cats outside, etc. If you use our form, feel free to personalize the email by clicking the “Read The Petition” button and then editing it:
[emailpetition id=”1″]
via Tucson CARES: [6 years ago,] the Pima County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted in favor of instituting the Best Friend’s Community Cat Project! In doing so, and as a part of fulfilling eligibility to receive a nearly million dollar grant, made a commitment to the community to uphold and transition the program to the Pima Animal Care Center after the 3 year project came to a close.
What’s happened since? The total number of cats covered by the program was decreased by 20%, there have been long gaps without designated staff, staffing has been reduced, medical funding has been reduced, annual funding has run out prematurely with no advance communication to partnering clinics and related organizations, there has been no investment in humane diversives, key lead staff members failed to advocate on behalf of the program, clients and cats themselves and leadership has openly questioned the value of Trap Neuter Return as it’s benefits are not measurable in PACC’s intake data.
Now, the program has gone from being indefinitely suspended due to Covid to seemingly eliminated while PACC continues adoptions, satellite food distribution and other actions that require direct client contact whereas providing trapping and transport services does not.
Since the onset of the project, there has often been a 4-6 week waiting list of people actively seeking and desperate for assistance showing high demand.
The clinics that PACC contracts with are and want to be spaying and neutering Community Cats.
The staff that was hired to do public Trap Neuter Return would like to be working in the field.
The community desperately needs trapping and transport support and a benefit of having it be done by the county shelter that has traps, designated vans, on site veterinarians, a robust foster and adoption program, partnering clinics, etc. makes sense.
Furthermore, Trap Neuter Return is an essential part of the No Kill Model which is largely responsible for the incredible advances we’ve made in our municipal live release rate and in the well being of our community’s animals.
If you think the county should reinstate services and recommit to Trap Neuter Return as the most humane and effective means of managing Community Cats and in support of those concerned about them who are unable to trap and transport themselves, please send an email to PACC leadership, the Health Department leadership and the Pima County Board of Supervisors.
Addresses may be cut and pasted:,,,,,,,,,,,
Recent Research Links HUMAN Use of Common Insecticide to Songbird Decline
Whether you are interacting with or are the someone that blames cats for the substantial decline in wildlife, songbirds, etc. , please know that HUMANS are the number one cause of that decline, not cats. We will now be regularly linking to recently published, valid and scientifically sound research about this topic. Soon we will include a page solely of research links illustrating this.
The first research we would like to offer links songbird decline to HUMAN use of a common pesticide: Huge decline in songbirds linked to common insecticide
New Humane Deterrent Option
From Tomahawk company:
“New Pest-Blok HD Foundation Vent Covers are now available at Tomahawk Live Trap! These heavy duty vent covers fit over openings of 16″ x 8″ or smaller and are designed to keep out everything from mice to raccoon! ”
Get yours here: Critter Blocker ”
Tomahawk actually has an entire page of humane ways to block openings to your home or building, Exclusion, Prevention, Vent Covers & Home Repair
Call Before You Plan To Go To Any Clinic
Make sure to call at least one business day ahead of arriving at any clinic for TNR services to confirm they will be offering services that day and to avoid being turned away.
Celebrating National Feral Cat Day
Welcome to our volunteer run website. Please be patient as we add information. Click on headings to see resources in the Tucson/Pima County area.